Development and change take time and come through deep investment in people. When you least expect it, something will blossom from a seed planted at the most unexpected time, in the most unpredictable of ways. In the words of Paulo Coelho, it’s the possibility of having a dream come true that makes life interesting...
Aida's story is the best evidence of this. If you haven't seen her story yet, please watch it here. The rest of this post won't make sense unless you do: Aida
The unique thing about Aida is that in 2010 she followed her dream to learn music. Our music instructor, Amir, committed to teaching music to a group of people in the village on a weekly basis, persistently and joyfully. Week after week, Aida would attend eagerly, quickly picking up difficult concepts. She took these lessons simply for her enjoyment, as did others in the village. Little did she know it would change the course of her life.
Like many in the village, Aida wanted a different life for herself and her children. She wanted a future, hope, and sustainable income for her family outside of collecting trash. She was convinced that the only way to achieve this was through education. So she made sure her children had numerous tutors outside of school and ample time learning. She knew this was their only way out, their only way of having a better life than she has.
Today, Aida has actualized her dream of finding a better life for her family. Today, she is a teacher... A MUSIC teacher, teaching music lessons to children at a nearby elementary school in the city! One decision in 2010 impacted the rest of her life without anyone ever knowing it would! Music literally is transforming her life along with her entire family and the community. She is just one beaming example of the incredible potential of the Remnant, of all human beings in the best or worst states of life to rise above their challenges and become what they have always dreamed. To find their way out of what formerly held them back. Today, Aida can attest to this and more...
Change takes time, and time brings change...and in this case, it's the positive change of seeing the Remnant rise, one by one. We have never been more excited for the future...